Sports Activities In And Around Century City

1 min read

Century City has many sporting activities available – the Virgin Active Gym is only a stone’s throw away from our hotel. We also have some sporting clubs that call Century City home. Here are three clubs we recommend:

Century City Canoe Club
Century City Canoe Club

With 7 kilometres of sheltered waterways, the Canoe Club is the perfect sporting activity for Century City. Membership grants you access to the waterways, gear, the Club House, and club nights. Training for newcomers is available throughout the season, which will prepare you for the eventual river race.

Century City Athletics Club
Century City Athletics Club

The Century City Athletics Club meets every Tuesday (5 km) and Thursday (5, 6, 8, or 10 km) evening and runs through the Century City precinct, around Intaka Island. The club is open to all, and the coach will work with newcomers to get you to your first 10 kilometres!

Century City Touch Rugby League
Century City Touch Rugby League

The Touch Rugby League meets Thursday evenings at Central Park, a 4500m² park. The Club House is situated next to the park, with food and drinks available to spectators during the league games.

Century City is not only great for shopping, food, great accommodation, and business trips – we’re brilliant for the passionate sport-lovers among us as well. Be sure to ask at reception if you need any recommendations for or directions to your new favourite sport club!

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